Starting a Job Remotely Shouldn’t Slow Down Your Onboarding or Success
As more people start work remotely, we'll share some of the best practices from Duo that have helped our teams continue to grow and thrive in uncertain times.
The latest information security news - what's happening now, what's important, why it matters, real-world implications and who it matters to - without any of the overhype.
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As more people start work remotely, we'll share some of the best practices from Duo that have helped our teams continue to grow and thrive in uncertain times.
One piece of feedback we heard time and again was that the risky login events would be more useful if leveraged within a more central security tool. Customers want programmatic access to risky login data. You asked, and we listened.
Dear iFrame, It’s hard to say this, but we need to break up. It’s not you. It’s us. (Well, it is sort of you.) You weren't obtrusive. Most of the time, you just worked. But things have changed.
Sometimes I feel like trying to keep up with the latest memes, trends and viral videos so that I can relate to them is like keeping up with the latest and greatest in InfoSec. As soon as I have a grasp on the latest threats, security strategies and tactics, the industry has pivoted onto the next new shiny thing, often before we have even really fully realized the last thing.
It has returned again, but this year the idea of ‘back to school’ has taken on an entirely different approach with remote learning. Securing work remotely has never been more important.