Whether or not a map is valuable depends entirely on how well someone can use it to navigate from one place to another. Same goes for Internet scans. The scanning tools pull together different types of information, such as the kind of device and how it is configured, but the resulting map—the scan data—is valuable only if people can use it to answer important questions.
The Uber Metta adversarial simulation tool allows defenders to test their network detection systems.
Just as people use search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo to find specific information on the Internet, there are special search engines that can find information about Internet-connected devices and networks. Think webcams, printers, smart light bulbs, industrial control systems, monitoring systems. Information about these devices are just a special search query away.
The UK government has published a Secure by Design report on improving the cybersecurity of consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as smart TVs and wearables, urging manufacturers to follow common security guidelines and help protect consumers.
We still don't know who was behind the Olympic Destroyer malware that targeted South Korea during the Winter Olympics, but we know all those supposed clues to their origins were false clues planted by the attackers. As defenders, assume everything you can't verify completely is a lie the attackers deliberately crafted.
In 1999 a group of venture capitalists came together to buy the L0pht and make it part of @stake, a security consulting firm.
Malicious app developers are using anti-reverse engineering tactics to get around Google Play security restrictions.
The L0pht hacker group testified before the Senate in 1998 and told the lawmakers they could take down the Internet in 30 minutes or less because of a vulnerability in the BGP protocol.
As CISO of LinkedIn, Cory Scott understands the importance of matching people to the right team. Instead of looking for specific skills or job titles, he asks people for their personal narratives.
Hacking and disinformation have merged to become the favored methods of political parties, nations, and individual attackers.
Cryptocurrency crime is expanding beyond ransomware to in-browser mining and nation-state attacks.
As the L0pht hacker group matured new members like Mudge and Dildog joined and the group began publishing security advisories on Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Technology promised to make things better, but we are getting far less than what we were promised. Add security into the mix, and things have gone terribly wrong in the usability department. We need to look at security as a process and consider the impact of all the steps; not be solely focused on individual steps.
Newcomers to information security frequently don't know where to begin, and industry veterans need information that goes beyond the initial news to understand the implications and impact.
Born from the Boston BBS scene of the 1980s, the L0pht emerged in the 1990s as one of the more influential hacker groups ever and helped spawn the security industry as we know it today.