Security news that informs and inspires


259 results for tag Podcast:

Decipher Podcast: Andy Ellis Returns

Andy Ellis, CSO of Akamai, joins Dennis Fisher to discuss the importance of setting priorities, how to assess your strengths and weaknesses as an organization, and the NFL draft.


Decipher Podcast: Amanda Berlin

Amanda Berlin of Blumira joins Dennis Fisher to talk about how she got her start in security, learning new skills on the fly, and helping customers find the things that really matter on their networks.


Decipher Podcast: Haroon Meer

Haroon Meer, founder of Thinkst, joins Dennis Fisher to talk about why a lot of security products don't work, the challenges of running a security company from South Africa, and doing well by doing good.


Decipher Podcast: Ryan Noon and Abhishek Agrawal

Ryan Noon and Abhishek Agrawal, founders of Material Security, join Dennis Fisher to talk about fixing the email security problem and approaching security challenges with diverse mindsets.


Deciphering Johnny Mnemonic

Zoe Lindsey, Pete Baker, and Dennis Fisher break down the delightfully goofy and moderately incoherent 1995 film Johnny Mnemonic.

Podcast, Hacker Movies